Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 408-390-3680

  • Diversity-friendly, online psychotherapy for folks who feel like things are falling apart.


    When something knocks you off-center, it can make your whole life seem confusing and unmanageable. You may start to feel like you don’t know yourself, and your family members may seem like strangers. You may feel like you’re stuck, trying the things that used to work for you but that don’t work anymore.

    You don’t have to sort things out alone.

    Psychotherapy can help you adjust. When you’re aligned with your values and conscious of what’s been getting in your way, then you can think, choose, and act more freely. At Counseling for Action, I call this Aligned Conscious Thinking, or ACT.

    I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist providing psychotherapy online by way of secure video. I am licensed in California and, because I work online, I can provide therapy to anyone in the state. Use my secure Client Portal to set up your free consultation!

    “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
    ~Steve Jobs

    Using a respectful and non-judgmental approach, I work with individuals and families who are:

    • Adjusting to life transitions like changing jobs, ending a relationship, or grieving a death
    • Recovering from accidents, abuse, or trauma
    • Living with chronic illness
    • Dealing with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, or thoughts of suicide
    • Questioning things you thought were certain, like your religion, orientation, or gender
    • Making the transition to adulthood
    • Dealing with body image concerns
    • Experiencing minority stress that affects your day-to-day well-being
    • Experiencing any event, inside you or outside you, that has knocked you off-balance!

    I work with all sorts of people from diverse cultures, with many different beliefs. There are so many types of events that can throw people off track. I offer a free telephone or video consultation to help you see whether my therapy style is a good fit for your needs.

    Compassionate & Professional

    I care about you, your family, and your story. You can trust that I will treat you with respect, dignity and compassion in every interaction, while maintaining the highest standards for integrity and ethics.

    Let's connect online and get started!

    About (K'Ailsa) Kaye-Ailsa Rowan, M.A., LMFT

    I’m K’Ailsa Rowan (to say my name, think of “kind Elsa” or “kelsa”). I provide online psychotherapy for individual adults and teens. I help people of all ages and sizes, genders, and orientations; from many races, ethnic groups, and economic classes; and holding widely varying religious beliefs (or none).