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    Spirituality and Transpersonal Therapy

    Are you interested in how your spiritual growth influences your healing path? Are you interested in positive psychology and strength-based approaches to healing? Are you interested in personal growth and think therapy can help? Transpersonal therapy takes a holistic approach, addressing mental, physical, social, emotional, creative, and intellectual needs, with an emphasis on the role of a healthy spirit in healing.

    Transpersonal approaches can be used to treat anxiety, depression, and trauma. Transpersonal therapy is also an excellent approach if you want to use therapy for your spiritual growth.

    Transpersonal work integrates traditional spiritual rituals into modern psychology. It’s a strength-based approach that draws on your positive influences and role models. People are more than mind and body. Just as your mind and body sometimes require treatment, the other intangible aspects of yourself that we call “spirit” sometimes require healing as well.

    “Our true nature is like a precious jewel: although it may be temporarily buried in mud, it remains completely brilliant and unaffected. We simply have to uncover it.”
    Pema Chödrön

    I trained at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (now part of Sofia University) and later taught there for 10 years. My approach to transpersonal work draws on tools from all over the world, but is always grounded in the spiritual practice of my client. Regardless of your religious background or spiritual path, transpersonal work can help you integrate your own spiritual practices into your work in therapy.

    If you’re interested in transpersonal work, please contact me to see how we might work together!