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    Therapy for Body Image Concerns or Disordered Eating

    Are you at war with your body? Or with food? Are you living with an eating disorder and seeking a therapist who can work with you to improve your relationship with yourself in a nonjudgmental, weight-neutral way?

    Health at Every Size (HAES) is a perspective—rather than a type of therapy—that takes a weight-inclusive approach to health and wellbeing. That means I won’t change my suggestions for how you manage your health based on a perception of your body. When working with people of any size, I’m focused on eating and exercising mindfully, not managing body size.

    Sometimes body image concerns arise for people who are transgender or gender-questioning. In those situations I combine the HAES approach with gender-affirmative therapy.

    “It’s important with all of the messages that might tell you otherwise that you have that in yourself to say that ‘I am beautiful. I am smart and I’m amazing.’”
    Laverne Cox

    Do you want to address your body image and eating habits in a safe space? Call me today!